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2024-02-11 08:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Feedback from the experts

Abiyasa Suhardi: Excellent visual effect, game character, and the background music! Loves the old CRT and plasma effect! Well done with the Shader effect. I really like the game themes as it has a nice ambiance atmosphere and fits well with the competition themes. The level design is also enjoyable although it can be quite frustrating sometimes. I wish the game could save the last progress so I could easily replay from the last level.

No毛l Meudec: What a beautiful game! Definitely one of the gems of this game jam. The atmosphere, the graphics, the music, everything is great. It is a variant of Frogger, but with a great variety of puzzles and a unique vibe (hard to describe). What could be improved: - I had to use a glitch to solve one of the puzzles (leave the screen at the bottom right corner of the screen). Was it intentional? - I spent more time on the last level than on all the other levels combined, it drove me crazy! Overall, it is one of the best games I played for this game jam. The last screen says "Thank you for playing!", I will answer "Thank you for making this game!"






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